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Startrampe 7.0

Einige nennen es nur "Co-Work" oder "Office Sharing", wir nennen es "Startrampe 7.0"

Gerade in der Startup-Phase sind die finanziellen Mittel oft knapp. Teilen Sie sich daher doch einfach ein Büro in unserer Startrampe 7.0 mit anderen Existenzgründern/-innen! Und viele nützliche Kontakte sowie unsere Beratung gibt es gratis dazu!
Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the line.
Business Planning
Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework.
Human Resources
Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service.
Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.

Ihre Vorteile

Ein innovatives Konzept für „Office Sharing“.
Es bietet Startups sowie all denen Raum, die aus ihrem Homeoffice raus wollen oder einen temporären Arbeitsplatz suchen oder einfach nur in ein lebendiges Umfeld mit einem kreativen Netzwerk eintauchen wollen.
  • bedarfsorientierte Gründerförderung und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten
  • gut ausgebautes Netzwerk aus Wirtschaft+Wissenschaft+Politik
  • Unterstützung beim weiteren Unternehmensaufbau
  • moderne Infrastruktur (Internet, Glasfaser, Mobiliar, Cafeteria …)
  • günstige und flexible Konditionen
  • sehr gute Wachstums- und Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten am Campus
  • zentrales Service-Büro als Ihr professioneller Empfangsbereich
  • Meeting- und Tagungsräumlichkeiten
  • kostenfreie Beratungsangebote im Rahmen von TechnoStartup MV & EEN
What Industries are we specialized in?

We take pride in our ability to learn the fundamentals of virtually any industry or technology quickly. Some of the markets we have served include green technologies, medical devices, biotechnology, Internet/e-commerce, telecommunications, distance education/e-learning, real estate, financial services, healthcare services, manufacturing, retail, food service, consumer products, media and entertainment, aerospace, artificial intelligence, enterprise software, insurance, energy, and networking. Having said that, we believe that the value we bring to the table is not industry expertise — which you already possess in abundance — but rather an understanding of what investors like to see in a potential opportunity.

The Benefits
Of Avantage

Credibly reintermediate backend ideas for cross-platform models. Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital.
What makes your business plans so special?

Most importantly, they work. In a world in which fewer than 1 in 250 business plans ever raise venture capital, we are happy to report that about half of our plans have raised capital, and a good portion of the rest resulted in an acquisition or currently have commitments for investment from prior round investors. Each plan is handcrafted to reflect the client’s specific circumstances, yet share attributes that investors find appealing.

What makes your financial projections special?

Balance sheets that balance. Cash flows, income statements, and balance sheets that tie together (you’d be surprised by how many consultants who don’t get the basics right). Fully assumption-driven, so that you can do what-if analyses. Depending on your needs, we can include a lot of very sophisticated features – learn more about our financial projections here.

How does the process work?

Every situation is unique. However, some fairly common steps include the following:

  • Initial discussion to understand your basic needs.
  • Review your existing materials (draft business plans, financials, market research, competitor research, etc.).
  • Follow-up discussion to clarify details and agree upon the scope and fees for the project.
  • Several in-depth discussions to better understand the details, develop strategies, and agree on all major elements of the business plan and financial model.
  • Conduct additional research, as needed.
  • Draft an Investor Presentation and review it with you to ensure that all parties agree on the high-level vision.
  • Draft the Executive Summary and review it with you to ensure that we all agree on the next level of detail.
  • Prepare a draft outline of the business plan for your review.
  • Begin filling in the details on the draft. Obtain and incorporate your feedback.
  • Incorporate your revenue and expense models into the financial model, and explain how it works so that you can take “ownership” of the financials.
  • Finalize all deliverables.
  • Coach you on the best way to deliver the investor presentation and on how to address questions.
  • Provide ongoing support, including making minor updates to the deliverables at no additional charge.

Depending on how we structure the project, you should expect to spend anywhere from 10-30 hours on the process over the course of a typical engagement.

How long does it take?

For a typical engagement, consisting of a business plan, financial forecast, and investor presentation, the typical time to completion is 6-8 weeks, as illustrated below. The actual time can be influenced by the quality of your existing materials, the level of your participation, the complexity of your market and business model, and our current workload.

Can you work any faster?

Yes, but we may need to charge a “rush” fee. We typically work on multiple projects at any point in time, and rush projects can strain our schedules or inconvenience other clients.

Will you agree with everything I say?

Only if you’re always right. One of our jobs is to help you avoid mistakes. We’ll challenge your ideas and assumptions so that you’ll be ready for the tough questions when you meet with investors.


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Nicht Löschen!


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